Saturday, January 25, 2020
Child Abuse and Neglect :: Child Abuse Domestic Violence
Child abuse has been here as long as the United States of America and throughout the history of the World. "Child abuse can cause serious harm to its victims. Estimates of the numbers of children who suffer physical abuse or neglect by parents or guardians range from about 1 percent of all children to about 15 percent, and figures are far higher if emotional abuse and neglect are included."(2. Quote from Encyclopedia Britannica 2007.) You see and hear about different cases of child abuse all the time in news reports, online, newspapers, film and sometimes by word of mouth in your community. We view these cases as deplorable acts of violence but why do we not we stop this altogether?
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Multi-agency working in a special school setting
There are about 15,000 kids ( aged under 18 ) with complex and profound acquisition troubles in England ( DCSF, 2008, School Census ) . The Department for Children, Schools and Families ( DCSF ) define composite and profound tilting troubles in the undermentioned footings: In add-on to really terrible larning troubles, the kids will hold other important troubles, such as physical disablements, centripetal damage or a terrible medical status. They require a high degree of big support, for their personal attention every bit good as for their acquisition demands. They are likely to necessitate centripetal stimulation and a course of study that is broken down into really little stairss. Some kids with profound and multiple acquisition troubles communicate by gesture, oculus pointing or symbols ; others communicate by utilizing really simple linguistic communication. For the intent of this survey, in line with the DCSF definition, pupils with complex and profound acquisition troubles are defined as those who portion two features: a profound cognitive damage or larning trouble ; and a complex interaction of troubles in more than one country of operation. Evidence suggests that locally coordinated proviso is being adopted nationally as a person-centred attack to the demands of kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles ( Hirst and Baldwin, 1994 ) . Despite this, the Further Education Funding Council for Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Committee ( FEFC, 1996 ) suggests there are still promotions to be made in be aftering between professional groups in order to advance educational patterned advance and societal inclusion ( Department of Health, 2001 ) . In relation to these findings this paper describes a research survey that aims to measure the effectiveness multi-agency working within a proviso for kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles.Multi-agency working: a argument over conceptualizationIn past research, the footings inter-agency and multi-agency have been used interchangeably, doing the construct of multi-agency working less clear. Some research workers, such as Carpenter ( 1995 ) have suggested th at the differentiation between the two is numerical, whereby ; ââ¬Ëinter-agency ââ¬Ë refers to two professionals workings together, such as a instructor and instruction helper, whilst ââ¬Ëmulti-agency ââ¬Ë working refers to a state of affairs when there are more than two professional groups are involved, such as a primary school instructor, physical therapist and larning support instructor. Other authors suggest the difference between inter-agency and multi-agency working roots from issues of professional boundaries. For illustration, inter-agency working could be seen as ââ¬Å" like you are traversing into another infiniteâ⬠¦ â⬠( Pirrie et al. , 1998, p.213 ) where there are clear function definitions, whilst multi-agency working can be seen as advancing blurred boundaries between professional groups ( Wilson and Pirrie, 2000 ) . The DfES defines multi-agency working as: ââ¬Å" â⬠¦ different services and squads of professionals and other staff working together to supply the services that to the full meet the demands of kids, immature people and their parents or carers. â⬠( DfES, 2004, p.18 ) . It is believed that the term ââ¬Ëmulti-agency ââ¬Ë working screens a wide array of engagement, which could run from meetings between professionals from different bureaus to professionals working collaboratively over long periods of clip and across local communities ( Barnes, 2008 ) . For the intent of this survey, multi-agency working will affect different professionals working together on a regular footing over a considerable period of clip at The Meadows[ 1 ]to run into the demands of the students who attend.Multi-agency working to back up kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles: the demand to organize servicesOver clip, there has been a gradual displacement in the perceptual experience of persons with complex and profound acquisition troubles. Whereby, the medical theoretical account, with its concentration on personal shortage, is bit by bit germinating into a societal theoretical account which highlights the impact of environmental factors, societal factors and entree to educational chances on the lives of those with complex and profound acquisition troubles ( World Health Organization, 2001 ) . The increasing focal point on quality of life has highlighted the demand for professional bureaus to work collaboratively, if those with complex and profound acquisition troubles are to take richer lives ( Mencap, 2000 ; Barnes, 2008 ) . Besides, multi-agency working is being progressively seen as a agency of enabling improved entree to specialist support and resources, easing inclusion and ensuing in raised attainment ( Forbes, 2007 ) . Roaf ( 2002 ) suggests that multi-agency working enables kids with complex educational demands to make their full potency, stating: ââ¬Å" Despite the complexness of their troubles, in school, instructors frequently find that when professionals work closely together, immature people reach their educational potencyâ⬠¦ â⬠( p. 2 ) . Roaf ( 2002 ) besides highlights how, in contrast to multi-agency working, accessing services which are fragmented can frequently take to holds in accessing support and kids can at times get ââ¬Ëlost in the system ââ¬Ë . Further research suggests that kids with complex and profound demands frequently experience co-occurring and overlapping troubles ( Maras et al. , 2002 ) which require a holistic appraisal of single demands through multi-disciplinary working. Multi-agency working has been identified as an effectual method of early designation and intercession to turn to complex demands ( Carpenter, 2000 ) and the demand to better multi-agency working to back up persons with complex and profound acquisition troubles was highlighted in the White Paper Valuing People ( Department of Health, DoH 2001 ) . Valuing Peoples advocates a person-centred attack to presenting ââ¬Å" existent alteration in the lives of people with larning disablements â⬠( p. 5 ) by supplying ââ¬Å" a individual, multi-agency mechanism for accomplishing this â⬠( p.5 ) . The paper suggests that in order to make the cardinal aim that ââ¬Å" handicapped kids gain maximal life-chance benefits from educational chances, â⬠( p. 122 ) it is indispensable that wellness attention and societal attention should follow a multi-agency, coordinated attack to back up persons, every bit good as their parents or carers. The overarching purpose of coordinating service s through joint on the job patterns across wellness, societal attention and instruction is to supply a ââ¬Ëseamless service ââ¬Ë ( DfES, 2003, 2004 ) to give kids the best possible start in life and to get the better of the troubles otherwise faced by households through fragmented services ( DoH, 2006 ) . The research base in this country proposes that multi-agency working is a cardinal facilitating factor for enabling kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles to derive improved life-chances and educational chances every bit good as supplying support for parents and carers. The following measure is to see how effectual multi-agency working can be achieved.Pulling on the grounds: factors which facilitate effectual multi-agency workingLiterature from an organizational psychological science perspective suggests that merely seting persons from professional groups together does non needfully take to effectual multi-agency or collaborative working ( Clark, 1993 ; Pirrie et al. , 1998 ) . Alternatively it is proposed that effectual multi-agency working is dependent on broad scope of factors, such as a blurring of professional boundaries which leads to the formation of ââ¬Å" trust, tolerance and a willingness to portion duty â⬠( Nolan, 1995, p. 306 ) . Besides, success depen ds on the creative activity of a new manner of working that identifies common ends ( Pirrie et al. , 1998 ) , offers clear way at a strategic degree ( Atkinson et al. , 2005 ) and encourages a personal committedness from squad members ( Wilson and Pirrie, 2000 ) . Guidance from Every Child Matters: alteration for kids, provinces: To work successfully on a multi-agency footing you need to be clear about your ain function and aware of the functions of other professionals ; you need to be confident about your ain criterions and marks and respectful of those that apply to other services, actively seeking and esteeming the cognition and input others can do to presenting best results for kids and immature people. ( DfES, 2004, p. 18 ) A elaborate survey carried out with 139 members of multi-agency squads ( Local Government Area Research Report 26 ; Atkinson et al. , 2002 ) found that the primary accomplishments identified for successful multi-agency working across a scope of scenes include: a committedness from all involved ; understanding ain and other ââ¬Ës functions and duties ; holding common purposes and aims to work towards ; effectual communicating and information sharing ; strong leading ; holding support or resources needed ; and good working relationships and holding equal clip. Sloper ( 2004 ) found factors at an organizational degree which facilitate multi-agency working include: the planning, execution and on-going direction of multi-agency services ; clear and realistic purposes and aims that are easy understood and accepted ; clearly defined functions and duties with clear lines of answerability ; strong leading from a multi-agency guidance or direction group ; guaranting good systems of communicating and information sharing at all degrees ; and an agreed timetable and incremental attack for alteration. In drumhead, scenes where effectual multi-agency working has been established with a strong committedness from professionals involved has lead to better results for kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles ; nevertheless, the manner in which this is achieved is non simple. There are cardinal constituents identified within the research which are thought to ease multi-agency working but accomplishing effectual multi-agency working is non a straightforward procedure and may change from one puting to another. Based on a reappraisal of the literature around factors which affect multi-agency working, repeating subjects include: the apprehension of functions and duties ; effectual communicating and information sharing ; positive working relationships between persons from different bureaus ; and organizational factors such as how multi-agency working is managed.The Present StudyAt a whole-school staff meeting, The Meadows identified a desire to measure the effectivity of multi-age ncy working centered on students with complex and profound acquisition troubles. At this meeting the school staff reported that they would wish to measure current multi-agency working within the school to larn about how that might be improved for future service bringing. This was so discussed at a planning meeting affecting the research worker, the school SENCo ( Particular Educational Needs Coordinator ) and deputy caput instructor. The present survey is an explorative probe into multi-agency working within this specialist proviso for kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles. The context for this survey is The Meadows School which was established in September 2000 following the reorganization of proviso for kids with particular educational demands in Newtown[ 2 ]and is now presently the lone primary school within Newtown Local Authority catering for the demands of kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles or disablements. In September 2006, The Meadows moved into a edifice which was trade name new and purpose built. Along with instruction and schoolroom support staff, the school is supported by a multi-agency squad of: physical therapists, occupational healers, address and linguistic communication healers, a specializer instructor of the visually impaired, a specializer instructor of the hearing impaired, clinical psychologist, educational psychologist and medical staff, such as the school nurse and the adviser baby doctor. There are presently 124 kids go toing The Meadows, runing in age from 2 old ages to 11 old ages. All are described as holding complex and profound acquisition troubles, which include: terrible autism, complex medical conditions, physical and mobility troubles, every bit good as terrible developmental hold. There is a high proportion of students from an cultural minority background and a little figure of looked after kids who attend The Meadows. An OFSTED review in summer 2007 rated the school as being ââ¬ËGood ââ¬Ë overall and the undermentioned were rated as outstanding: Foundation Stage proviso, Personal Development and Well-being, Care, Guidance and Support and Curriculum Activities. OFTSED study that ââ¬Å" There are first-class working relationships with other suppliers and bureaus and these have a positive consequence on the development of course of study activities. â⬠PurposesThe purpose of this survey is to measure the effectivity of multi-agency working at The Meadows. This will be achieved by replying the undermentioned inquiries: 1. How is multi-agency working organised and structured at The Meadows? 2. How do multi-agency professionals ( MAPs ) at The Meadows perceive their ain and others ââ¬Ë functions? 3. How could multi-agency working at The Meadows be improved for future service bringing?MethodProcedureThis survey was conducted over a four month period from September to December, 2010. Table 1 nowadayss a timeline which illustrates the process ( informations aggregation methods are described in more item in the Measures subdivision of this survey ) .TimeActionRADIO theoretical account ( Timmins et al. , 2003 ) phaseSeptemberOn an informal visit to the scene, The Meadows staff mentioned a demand for research to be conducted within the school. They felt research could assist the school develop future service bringing. I suggested a treatment is held with school staff to place some possible research countries. Phase 1: Awareness of demand raised by the school.Early OctoberI met with school SENCo to discourse possible research countries. The rating of multi-agency working is agreed. I was asked to carry on the research. Phase 2: Invitation to move is given by the SENCo on behalf of the schoolMid OctoberI met with the SENCo, early old ages coordinator and deputy caput instructor to discourse research inquiries and purposes to be investigated. Phase 3, 4 & A ; 5: Identifying stakeholders and discoursing who the results will impact and holding the focal point of concern.End OctoberA research brief is emailed ( See Appendix One ) sketching the purposes of the research, research aims, attack, methodological analysis, timings and contact inside informations, including why information will be collected and how it would be used. Staff are asked to supply feedback on research brief. Phase 5 & A ; 6: Identifying stakeholders and discoursing the focal point of concern every bit good as determining a model for informations assemblage.Early NovemberI visited The Meadows to carry on a semi-structured interview with the early old ages coordinator, deputy caput instructor and caput instructor to larn about the school and how multi-agency on the job maps. Phase 7: Gathering Information stage 1.Mid NovemberI conducted observations over two forenoons ( about seven hours ) to roll up informations. The intent was to depicting four things: the accomplishments and cognition staff were using in their function, working relationships between multi-agency staff, how multi-agency working was structured or organised and what sort of support was offered by MAPs. Phase 7: Gathering Information stage 1.End NovemberI explored student files for information. The intent was to measure the accomplishments and cognition MAPs were using in their function and how multi-agency working was structured. Phase 7: Gathering Information stage 1.DecemberData was collected through the usage of questionnaires. Phase 7: Gathering Information stage 2.MeasuresThe overarching purpose was to measure multi-agency working at The Meadows with an involvement in placing ways of developing future support for kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles at the school. A multi-method attack was used affecting two stages. Phase one, was chiefly analytic-inductive ( Robson, 2002 ) , using an interpretative attack as the footing for question, whereby, semi-structured interviews were conducted, pupil files were explored and observations were used to bring forth rich, qualitative information. Phase two consisted of structured questionnaires used to look into subjects originating from the interview responses and research relationships between variables to bring forth quantitative informations. Semi-structured interviews I visited The Meadows to carry on a semi-structured interview with the early old ages coordinator, deputy caput instructor and caput instructor to larn about the school and how it operates as a multi-agency squad. A semi-structured attack with open-ended interview inquiries was used, as suggested by Cohen and Manion ( 1989 ) to let the research worker to be flexible throughout the oppugning procedure, so that a free-flow of information could be achieved. An interview agenda of inquiries was created based on subjects which had emerged from a reappraisal of the literature. A list of possible inquiries was written ( see Appendix Two ) to motivate the interviewer sing the cardinal points to cover and subjects to turn to. As recommended by Robson ( 2002 ) there was flexibleness over the sequencing of inquiries, their exact diction and the sum of clip and attending given to different subjects depending on the response of the participant. The interviews were tape recorded which Robson ( 2002 ) suggests is good pattern to supply comprehensive informations for ulterior analysis. This method besides allowed me to concentrate on edifice resonance which is an built-in portion of a successful interview procedure ( Dexter, 1970 ) . At the start of each interview I described the interview procedure, about how long it should last, and the general topics to be covered. I asked the interviewee ââ¬Ës permission to enter replies and reassured confidentiality. The interviewees were asked if they had any inquiries before get downing the interview and once more at the terminal. After the interviews were complete, through informal treatment, participants were asked to reflect on the interview procedure. From feedback, it was found that respondents felt they had been able to reply inquiries in their ain clip and in their ain manner. Participants said they felt relaxed and liked my interview manner, as it was informal and ââ¬Å" set them at easiness. â⬠Observations I conducted observations over two forenoons and observed 15 members of staff working across four categories including, instructors, larning support practicians, physical therapists and address and linguistic communication healers. Before get downing observations, I introduced herself by mentioning to the information outlined in the research brief and inquiring for each participant ââ¬Ës consent to be portion of the research procedure. The observation technique involved analyzing a scope of grownups working with kids and depicting four things: the accomplishments and cognition staff were using in their function, working relationships between multi-agency staff, how multi-agency working was structured or organised and what sort of support was offered by MAPs. This was recorded on an observation record sheet ( see Appendix Three for sample record sheet ) . As proposed by Robson ( 2002 ) , information was recorded during observations and extra information was added shortly after each observation period, including interpretative thoughts and subjective feelings. Questionnaires The purpose was to try as broad a scope of bureaus as possible and cod informations through the usage of questionnaires from a scope of professionals from different bureaus who support students at The Meadows. An explanatory missive, along with a structured questionnaire ( See Appendix Three ) were sent to each member of staff at The Meadows through the usage of the school ââ¬Ës internal postal system and through electronic mail besides. The questionnaire was structured into six subdivisions. These subdivisions were based on subjects originating from the reappraisal of literature, interviews and observations conducted antecedently. The six subdivisions were as follows: background information, which explored the respondents ââ¬Ë function and clip worked at The Meadows ; communicating between MAPs including: teaching staff ; physical therapists ; occupational healers ; address and linguistic communication healers ; a specializer instructor of the visually impaired ; a specializer instructor of the hearing impaired ; clinical psychologist ; and educational psychologist. apprehension of ain and other multi-agency professional ââ¬Ës functions at The Meadows ; positions on administration and construction of multi-agency working at The Meadows as these facilitated or inhibited each respondent ââ¬Ës ain work and overall multi-agency working within the school ; environmental factors which may impact multi-agency working ; and other Factors act uponing multi-agency working. The inquiries were a mixture of open-ended inquiries which had no predetermined response options and needed respondents to enter their replies in sentences and scaling inquiries which required respondents to click a corresponding response on a five-point ordinal graduated table. A pilot questionnaire was administered to four participants. Through informal inquiring, respondents gave feedback which was incorporated into the concluding questionnaire design. 20 questionnaires were returned ( N=20 ) from a scope of bureaus, including: larning support helpers ( N=3 ) ; educational psychologist ( N=1 ) ; occupational healer ( N=1 ) ; address and linguistic communication healers ( N=2 ) ; physical therapist ( N=1 ) ; instructors ( N=6 ) ; librarian ( N=1 ) ; and senior Management staff ( N=5 ) .ConsequencesThe consequences will be reported in relation to the research aims below: 1. How is multi-agency working organised and structured at The Meadows? 2. How do MAPs at The Meadows perceive their ain and others ââ¬Ë functions? 3. How could multi-agency working at The Meadows be improved for future service bringing?How is multi-agency working organised/structured at The Meadows?In order to derive insight into how The Meadows operates as a multi-agency squad, observations across the school were conducted, pupil files held at Newtown Inclusion Support were explored and information was gathered through interviews with the school ââ¬Ës early old ages coordinator, deputy caput instructor and caput instructor. Contented analysis of the informations from observations and interviews ( See Appendix Four for process ) suggests that The Meadows operates as an operational multi-agency bringing squad. Diagrammatic representation of this type of attack is provided in Figure 1.1. Figure 1.1 Operational squad bringing theoretical account During the interviews participants ( caput teacher, early old ages coordinator and deputy caput instructor ) were asked to name all the bureaus that on a regular basis work at The Meadows and depict how services are coordinated and delivered to back up students at the school. From their responses, it was possible to build a figure to demo the bureaus and their connection ( See Figure 1.2 ) . When asked, interviewees described multi-agency working at The Meadows as ââ¬Å" a scope of experts who work in close propinquity and work together to present support to students, â⬠( head teacher ) with the overall purpose being, to accomplish ââ¬Å" a bipartisan exchange of cognition, thoughts and accomplishments â⬠( head teacher ) between all those involved ( as indicated in Figure 1.2 ) .The Meadows Multi-agency squad bringing theoretical accountFigure 1.2 The Meadows ââ¬Ës multi-agency squad bringing theoretical account. Health professionals: physical therapist, occupational healer, address and linguistic communication healers, clinical psychologist, pediatric adviser, Educational Psychologist. Education professionals: Educational Psychologist, instructors, larning support practicians, senior direction, co-ordinators. Other services: Parents, voluntaries, meal-time supervisors, site staff, disposal staff, drivers, librarian Social services: Social workers. The purpose of the operational bringing squad was reported to be for professionals from different bureaus to work together on a daily footing and to organize a cohesive multi-agency squad that delivers a person-centered service straight to students who attend The Meadows. By utilizing this attack senior direction at The Meadows hope to supply a ââ¬Å" seamless service for parents â⬠which offers a broad comprehensiveness of expertness, accomplishments and experience and hope this attack encourages ââ¬Å" joined up believing â⬠between bureaus, ââ¬Å" an efficient free flow of information â⬠and would promote ââ¬Å" more creativeness. â⬠Through questionnaires, MAPs who work at The Meadows were asked to rate their cognition and apprehension of assorted structural and organizational elements of multi-agency working at The Meadows such as the staffing construction and the organisation of the course of study. Respondents were asked to rate the extent to which they were involved in determining these elements and how they impacted on their engagement in multi-agency working. Chart 1 below represents the mean questionnaire response from staff ( larger sized chart available in Appendix Five ) . The responses were divided into three groups: senior direction, learning staff ( including larning support practicians ) and professionals who are employed by external bureaus such as address and linguistic communication healers, occupational healers, physical therapists and psychologists. This was done to see whether there were differences between groups. Although evaluations across all countries were high for all groups, it was found that senior direction rated their cognition of the construction of The Meadows and engagement in determining service bringing as highest across most classs. Teaching staff rated 2nd highest across the same countries and external bureaus rated lowest across these countries. This suggests that external bureaus perceive they have the lowest apprehension of The Meadows ââ¬Ës course of study, the least chances for joint planning and preparation bringing and the least input into future service bringing. Qualitative responses on the questionnaires from professionals employed by external bureaus, suggest that clip restraints are the chief ground for the deficiency of engagement in joint planning and preparation. Additionally, during interviews some staff reported that some MAPs do non hold a clear apprehension of The Meadows ââ¬Ës thematic course of study, which leads to them to propose extra marks which are ill-fitting with the curriculum marks already in topographic point. It was felt this frequently puts increasing demands on learning staff who are responsible for implementing marks suggested by external bureaus.How make MAPs at The Meadows perceive their ain and other ââ¬Ës functions?Through questionnaires MAPs were asked to name the cardinal accomplishments and cognition they considered that they implemented in their function at The Meadows. This information was triangulated with informations from observations and single student files. Figure 2 illustrates the cardinal accomplishments and cognition used by multi-agency staff at The Meadows in their daily working. Figure 2. diagrammatic representation of cardinal accomplishments and cognitionCommon Skills & A ; Knowledgeââ¬â specializer cognition ;ââ¬â assessing pupil advancement ;ââ¬â communication with other professionals & A ; parents ; andââ¬â experience.Address and Language Therapists:ââ¬â cognition of communicating development and swallowing troubles ; and ââ¬â mark linguistic communication and option signifiers of communicating.Physical therapists:ââ¬â expertness in all right and gross motor development ; and ââ¬â placement and seating options.Teaching Staff( including larningsupport practicians ) :ââ¬â communication with parents & A ; a broad scope of professionals ; ââ¬â experience of working with kids with a broad scope of demand ; and ââ¬â program, learn & amp ; assess student advancement.Educational Psychologist:ââ¬â advice on behavior direction rules ; -advice on accessing the course of study ; and ââ¬â support student ââ¬Ës academic development. The cardinal circle in Figure 2. entitled ââ¬ËCommon Skills and Knowledge ââ¬Ë , identifies a set of common accomplishments that all MAPs employed in their work at The Meadows. The qualitative responses from questionnaires suggested that some MAPs felt that there was some ââ¬Å" function convergence â⬠and ââ¬Å" deficiency of lucidity â⬠sing the cardinal duties of some professionals they worked with, which at times lead to repeat in the work carried out by different persons, peculiarly when measuring student advancement. This will be explored further in the Discussion subdivision of this paper. The following measure was to research how staff at The Meadows perceived their ain functions. Through questionnaires staff were asked to rate statements associating to their function and the functions of other MAPs. Consequences are presented in Chart 2 ( larger sized chart available in Appendix Five ) . The bulk of MAPs felt that they had a really good apprehension of their ain function and others ââ¬Ë functions. All staff members viewed themselves chiefly as a member of The Meadows ââ¬Ës staff squad. Those who are employed by an external bureau viewed themselves as chiefly members of The Meadows staff squad and besides view themselves as portion of an external bureau. Qualitative responses from this group suggest that some persons found that belonging to two administrations can be ââ¬Å" hard to pull off at times, â⬠can sometimes be ââ¬Å" frustrating â⬠and can at times ââ¬Å" lead to conflict. â⬠Overall, respondents felt that professional boundaries were non hard to traverse and they perceived that professional boundaries were somewhat blurred. Through questionnaires, staff were asked to rate the grade to which they understood the functions of other professionals who worked at The Meadows and how often they had contact with them. The consequences are presented in Chart 3 ( larger sized chart available in Appendix Five ) . The consequences show that there are fluctuations in the degree of apprehension of some professional functions and in the degree of contact with some professional groups. From the mean overall responses it is suggested that most respondents felt they had the clearest apprehension of the functions of: teaching staff, larning support practicians, address and linguistic communication healers, the instructor of the visually impaired, nursery nurses, the wellness attention squad and disposal staff. These groups were besides rated as holding the highest degree of contact, which suggests that high contact can take to better apprehension of others ââ¬Ë functions. There was least contact with the clinical psychologist, the instructor of the hearing impaired, societal workers and the educational psychologist. Qualitative responses from the questionnaire suggested that clip limitations affect contact with some professional groups, particularly those with merely one member such as the clinical psychologist, the instructor of the hearing impaired, societal workers and the educational psychologist, which adversely impacted other workers ââ¬Ë apprehension of the function.How could multi-agency working at The Meadows be improved for future service bringing?In general, respondents believed that multi-agency working at The Meadows was effectual and well-organised. However, qualitative responses suggested some countries for possible betterment were: clip restraints, deficiency of communicating and function ambiguity. Through qualitative responses on questionnaires it was suggested that communicating between MAPs was an country which could be addressed to better future service bringing at The Meadows. Seven cardinal elements to better communicating were identified, these were: systems in topographic point to let confidential exchange of information between bureaus for illustration, through secure web waiters ; chances for multi-agency meetings at regular intervals and available on a ââ¬Ëas needed ââ¬Ë footing ; chances to run into as a whole staff with all MAPs who work at The Meadows to construct better working relationships ; a dependable point of contact to mention to for information and counsel when MAPs are non in school or non readily available ; a shared country on the school ââ¬Ës intranet where MAPs can portion information, programmes and how to implement recommendations ; guarantee disposal staff have a clear apprehension of the duties of MAPs who visit the school and are notified of when they are due to see ; and guaranting communicating with parents presents a ââ¬Å" clear and cohesive image, â⬠( deputy caput instructor ) particularly when many professional bureaus are involved and there is possible for conflicting advice. Suggestions for bettering the apprehension of other multi-agency professionals ââ¬Ë functions were contributed as a manner of bettering future service bringing at The Meadows. Five perceived cardinal elements to better apprehension were identified. These were: a profile of each multi-agency professional who operates at The Meadows that other school staff can mention to, for information about their functions and duties ; more contact with MAPs. Classroom-based staff suggested it would be helpful if MAPs spent more clip in category ( if possible ) and had more chances to work straight with learning staff, kids and parents ; more chances created for joint planning between MAPs and classroom-based staff. more staff meetings to specify functions and construct professional relationships ; and more multi-agency engagement in the school ââ¬Ës ââ¬Å" visioning yearss â⬠where future service bringing is discussed.Reliability, cogency and generalisabilityIt is of import to observe some of the restrictions of this peculiar survey. One such restriction is that the findings are specific to one peculiar scene and limited to the minute in clip the survey was conducted. It can non be assumed that consequences can be generalised to other instances and fortunes. The attack used in this survey does hold the potency to give conceptually rich, psychological histories of complex phenomena ( Turner, 1992 ) .The design of this survey was developed based on treatments with school staff and the research worker ââ¬Ës ain contemplations, doing it likely that prejudices exist which limit the dependability and cogency ( define and be specific ) of findings. For illustration, the steps used and the research design were determined by the research worker ââ¬Ës perceptual experiences of what the school would happen good and of import. Another possible restriction is that trying was across a figure of bureaus in this survey, nevertheless, there are other bureaus which were non involved that would hold been utile to include, the most noteworthy being societal workers, farther it would hold been helpful to research parents ââ¬Ë positions. The choice of bureaus and interviewees may hold led to the consequences being skewed. In footings of informations aggregation steps used, there are a figure of strengths and restrictions to each which are summarised below. Semi-structured Interviews: This attack allows some grade of flexibleness and provides a wealth of verbal and non-verbal rich and enlightening information ( Robson, 2002 ) . However, this attack lacks standardisation and can raise concerns over dependability ( Robson, 2002 ) . Besides, the flexibleness of this attack increases the likeliness of interviewer prejudice which can impact the cogency and dependability of responses. Focused Observations: The observation informations provided rich, qualitative information embedded within the context of the scene ( Robson, 2002 ) which added to the face cogency and dependability of the informations collected. However, experimental informations are capable to reading by the perceiver and trust on what the perceiver chooses to go to to. Besides, a deficiency of multiple perceivers can impact the dependability of reported informations. Questionnaires: This attack allowed a scope of persons to be involved in the research which may non hold been possible otherwise, due to clip restraints. Questionnaire response rate may hold been increased if the questionnaire could hold been shortened or conducted at a more convenient clip. Since content analysis was carried out by one research worker this may besides hold led to researcher prejudice. In footings of overall dependability and cogency of this survey, it is of import to observe that by utilizing a multi-method attack and triangulating the findings from several methods of informations aggregation ; it is possible to better dependability and cogency ( Robson, 2002 ) .Discussion and decisionsThe intent of this survey was to measure the effectivity of multi-agency working within a proviso for kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles by replying the undermentioned inquiries: 1. How is multi-agency working organised and structured at The Meadows? 2. How do MAPs at The Meadows perceive their ain and others ââ¬Ë functions? 3. How could multi-agency working at The Meadows be improved for future service bringing? When turn toing the first inquiry, it was noted that The Meadows maps as an operational multi-agency bringing squad. This attack relies to a great extent on effectual communicating and a high degree of committedness from all bureaus involved ( Atkinson et al. , 2002 ) . It relies on the effectual sharing of information and resources every bit good as the demand to happen clip to construct good working relationships between bureaus ( Atkinson et al. , 2002 ; Roaf and Lloyd, 1995 ) . When working within this theoretical account of service bringing, it is extremely of import to construct cognition and apprehension of each other ââ¬Ës functions, duties and precedences in order to advance cooperation between bureaus ( Atkinson et al. , 2002 ; Easen, 1998 ; McConkey, 2001 ) . When compared to staff who were for good based at The Meadows, such as learning staff and senior direction at the school, bureaus which are employed by external administrations, had the least apprehension of The Meadows ââ¬Ës course of study and rated their engagement in joint planning and staff preparation as lowest. Qualitative informations supported the position that that these countries were a possible failing in multi-agency working at The Meadows and that by turn toing the restrictions in these countries, future service bringing could be improved. In peculiar, it was suggested that MAPs should hold a clear apprehension of the alone course of study The Meadows provides for each single student. Pupils work on a ââ¬Å" thematic course of study based on chance â⬠( head instructor ) , which includes elements of the National Curriculum and besides is separately tailored to supply chances to develop accomplishments and experiences in countries such as personal and societal instruction, communicating, independency and drama relevant to each kid. Rushmer and Pallis ( 2002 ) suggest that for an administration to accomplish its ends and aims, the work of single squad members must be linked into a consistent form of activities and relationships. The consequences from this survey suggest there is a set of common accomplishments that all MAPs employed in their work at The Meadows, viz. : specializer cognition, measuring student advancement, pass oning with other professionals every bit good as parents and pulling upon old experience. In relation to these findings, other research suggests that blurred professional boundaries and deficiency of lucidity around functions and duties can constitue a barrier to integrated working ( Cameron and Lart, 2003 ) . In contrast, other research has shown that joint-working relies upon the meeting of the accomplishment, experience and cognition of each professional to bring forth positive results that merely working together can accomplish ( Rushmer and Pallis, 2002 ) . When look intoing how multi-agency working at The Meadows could be improved for future service bringing, staff felt that betterments could be made to the effectivity of communicating between professional groups and where there is function ambiguity originating from integrated working ( Percy-Smith, 2005 ; Stewart, Petch, & A ; Curtice, 2003 ) . For case, there is ambiguity around the different functions and duties of professional bureaus who work at the school. Expand on thisâ⬠¦ The consequences of this survey are supported by findings from old research on multi-agency working which suggest that clip is a cardinal hinderance to effectual multi-agency working ( Gill, 1989 ; Hudson, 2003 ; Lloyd-Bennett & A ; Melvin, 2002 ; Stead et al. , 2004 ; Walker, 2003 ) . This survey indicates that The Meadows could develop communicating and apprehension. This could be encouraged through increased articulation working and chances for contact through meetings and preparation, better cognition of each other ââ¬Ës functions would besides assist persons work together efficaciously. Encouragingly, professionals at The Meadows are by and large happening joint working a good and positive experience and are acute for it to develop. Through a mixed-method attack this survey captures the sentiments and contemplations of a group of professionals who have developed successful coaction to back up kids with complex and profound acquisition troubles who attend The Meadows and has explored ways in which this success can be built upon for future pattern.Word Count: 5,798MentionsAnning, 2001 Atkinson et al. , 2002 Bank, 1992 Barnes, 2008 Barnes, 2008 Brown and White ( 2006 ) Cameron and Lart, 2003 Cameron and Lart, 2003 ) . Carpenter ( 1995 ) , Carpenter, 2000 Clark, 1993 ; Pirrie et al. , 1998 Cochrane, 2000 ; DCSF, 2008, School Census Department of Health, 2001 Dexter ( 1970 ) DfES, 2003, 2004 DfES, 2004 DoH, 2006 ) . Easen, 1998 FEFC, 1996 Forbes, 2007 Gerwirtz, 2002 Gill, 1989 ; Hudson, 2003 ; Hirst and Baldwin, 1994 Kimberlee, 2001 LGA Research Report 26 ; Atkinson, Wilkin, Stott, Doherty, & A ; Kinder, 2002 Lloyd-Bennett & A ; Melvin, 2002 ; Maras et al. , 2002 McConkey, 2001 Mencap, 2000 ; Nolan, 1995 Percy-Smith, 2005 ; Pirrie et al. , 1998 Roaf ( 2002 Roaf and Lloyd, 1995 Robson, C. ( 2002 ) Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner-Researchers. 2nd erectile dysfunction. Oxford: Blackwell. Rushmer and Pallis ( 2002 ) Rushmer and Pallis ( 2002 ) Sloper ( 2004 Stead et al. , 2004 ; Stewart, Petch, & A ; Curtice, 2003 ) . Turner, 1992 Walker, 2003 Wilson and Pirrie, 2000 Wilson and Pirrie, 2000 World Health Organization, 2001
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay on Hamlet and the Oedipus Complex - 1319 Words
When examining Hamlet through the lens of the Oedipus complex, it is critical to first define and thoroughly explain the Oedipus complex, then to apply it to Hamlets relationships, before a final conclusion is reached. The Complexities of the Complex Before one can understand the Oedipus complex, one must understand Sigmund Freuds theory on infantile sexuality. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy points out that the roots of Freuds theory can be found in the work of an older colleague of Freuds, Josef Breuer. Breuer discovered that traumatic events in childhood could have destructive repercussions in adulthood. Freud generalized Breuers discoveries and added that sexualâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The child now draws many conclusions from this. He will conclude that his father must have taken his mothers phallic away. Since the mother, in the childs mind, is being more or less controlled by the father, and the father still has his phallic, then the phallic is not just an organ, but a symbol of power over these castrated men, called women. The boy now develops castration anxiety, the fear that his father will take away his phallic, and make him more like his mother whom he sees as weak. His father is now his enemy, and he develops a deep sexual attraction to his mother, called the Oedipus complex. Freud taught that psychologically healthy boys overcame the complex, made the important decision, and at age 6, begin to bond with and attach to their fathers. There are other ways this could play out. If the male child is denied the attachment it needs with his mother at a young age, he may not move on to bonding with his father, for he has not yet gotten over wanting to be with his mother. Also, if a mother or father is not present, the equation is altered. The father could be replaced with a strong male (or masculine) figure, as the mother could be replaced by another, nurturing female (or feminine)Show MoreRelatedHamlet and the Oedipus Complex1537 Words à |à 7 PagesWilliam Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Hamlet is a play about indecision, apprehension, and inner turmoil. Hamlet, the main protagonist, struggles within himself, attempting to muster the courage to avenge his fatherââ¬â¢s death by the hand of the current King, Claudius, who is also his late fatherââ¬â¢s brother. There seem to be many possible reasons for Hamletââ¬â¢s delay in doing so. However, the one theory that answers all the questions is that Hamlet was possessed by his own Oedipus Complex , that is, he was deeply in loveRead MoreOedipus Complex in Hamlet Essay805 Words à |à 4 PagesOedipus Complex in Hamlet In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Hamlet, Hamletââ¬â¢s personality can be explained by the Oedipus Complex. Throughout the play there are many times where he proves that he has Oedipus Complex. Oedipus Complex was not around at the time that that Hamlet was written. It just shows that Shakespeare saw the same personality complexââ¬â¢ as Freud. Freud first named the Oedipus Complex Theory in his book , An Interpretation of Dreams, in 1899. Freud states The child takes both of its parents,Read More Hamlet and the Oedipus Complex Essay1229 Words à |à 5 PagesHamlet and the Oedipus Complexà à à à à William Shakespeares play Hamlet contains very similar elements to Sophocles Greek Myth, Oedipus Rex. In the late 1800s through early 1900s, a Doctor based out of Vienna, named Sigmund Freud, developed a theory based on the events of the play Oedipus Rex, which has since been coined the Oedipus Complex.à Ernest Jones also applied his knowledge of Freudian psychology and wrote a persuasive paper suggesting that Hamlet cannot kill his uncle Claudius becauseRead More Hamlet and the Oedipus Complex Essay1218 Words à |à 5 PagesHamlet and the Oedipus Complex Hamlet is the typical kind of son almost every father and mother would want: intelligent, loving, caring, strong and loyal. Yet, some scholars believe that he is just another emotional character, defying our eyes to think that his acts are innocent, when his real purpose is to take his mother for himself. This gives scholars, like Ernest Jones, the impression that Hamletââ¬â¢s actions were encouraged by an Oedipus complex, characterized by feelings of intenseRead More Hamlets Oedipus Complex Essays1190 Words à |à 5 Pagescharacters who embody the elements of the classic Oedipus Complex, that of a son with an undue and unhealthy attachment to his mother. D.H Lawrenceamp;#8217;s Sons and Lovers, along with other early modernist works, shows how a sonamp;#8217;s bond to his mother can lead to that characteramp;#8217;s major downfall. Even earlier than works of the late 19th Century does the Oedipus Complex appear, in this case, William Shakespeareamp;#8217;s Hamlet. Shakes peareamp;#8217;s play about the Prince ofRead MoreOedipus-Complex In Shakespeares Hamlet1962 Words à |à 8 Pagespsychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud, coined the term Oedipus-complex in 1910 when explaining a childââ¬â¢s psychological desire for his opposite-sex parent. Coupled with this desire is a bitter sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex, as the child feels envious and compelled to win the affection of the coveted parent (Freud 19). Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Hamlet, although written prior to the development of this theory, is often referenced as a prime example of this complex. Hamlet famously descends into madness in an effortRead MoreOedipus Complex, Penis Envy, And The Tragedy Of Hamlet2112 Words à |à 9 PagesAlthough it may be a difficult idea to grasp, Shakespeare employed some of Sigmund Freudââ¬â¢s concepts long before Freud himself was even a figment of his ancestorââ¬â¢s imagination. Many scholars discuss Shakespeareââ¬â¢s use of the Oedipus complex, pe nis envy, and many of Sigmund Freudââ¬â¢s other famous concepts and while a proxy family may not be a Freudian concept specifically, it certainly enables them. Many of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s works include a main character who has a strained relationship with their parentRead MoreLove Thy Mother Most Peculiar Essay1235 Words à |à 5 PagesAbstract: Does Hamlet, a character in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s historical play, have the Oedipus complex? Do we truly understand the semantics of the Oedipus complex? Many critics have had different opinions. According to Websterââ¬â¢s online dictionary, the Oedipus complex is a ââ¬Å"complex of males; desire to possess the mother sexually and to exclude the father; said to be a source of personality disorders if unresolvedâ⬠(Websters Online Dictionary, 2011). Another source defines the Oedipus complex as ââ¬Å"the attachmentRead More No Oedipal Complex Found in Hamlet Essay1150 Words à |à 5 Pages No Oedipal Complex Found in Hamlet nbsp; Some scholars have interpreted Hamlets actions throughout Hamlet to be the Oedipus complex.nbsp; According to the story of Oedipus, Laius, his father, learned from an oracle that Oedipus would kill him.nbsp; Laius then left his son to die on a mountain, where he was found and raised by the King of Corinth.nbsp; Oedipus was also told that he would someday kill his own father, and fled Corinth because he believed that the King of Corinth was his realRead MoreFree Hamlet Essays : Freud s Hamlet 1656 Words à |à 7 PagesFreud applied to Hamlet Hamlet is another one of William Shakespeare plays that ends in a tragedy, the play is about Hamlet, a prince from Denmark. Hamlets father was killed by Hamlets uncle, Hamlet wants to avenge his fatherââ¬â¢s death. Like most of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays Hamlet ends as a tragedy, everyone dyeing except Horatio, Hamlets friend, and the kingdom ends up in the power of Norway. According to Sigmund Freudââ¬â¢s the three structure of the human mind are the id, the superego and the ego. The id
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